We all deserve the best medical care, but that doesn’t mean we should all receive the exact same treatment, each group has its own unique requirements and needs. 

Hey everyone! My name is Omer Rott, a 6th-year medical student and founder of DiverseMedEd.

I started DiverseMedEd after noticing the lack of education in both universities and hospitals about the different unique communities out there. 

My goal is to provide info on how to improve our interaction and treatment of patients from different groups.

Until every healthcare worker knows how to work with diverse groups, it is partially up to the patients themselves to know how they deserve to be treated and know some medical relevant info. This is why I also have specific pages for the patients themselves. 

~ contact me ~

Feel free to reach out for free webinars, 

collaborations, questions and discussions

“ We all deserve the best medical care, but that doesn't mean we should all receive the exact same treatment”